from under the rain tarp we watch a dark sky and the rain.
the magnolias don't seem to notice the cording nor us,
and something about being miles away from anyone
in the lone darkness of an approaching thunderstorm at night
brings us closer to one another.
highway ball-bearings covered with grease
summer afternoon heat and the sound of forklifts
and mowers laughing water draining slowly into
drain-holes in the truck yard
and one old woman warning us like a sibyl against
the sun
darkly visionary
exploding images of airport novels
in dingy hotels all in black
and praying for the goddess' words
as desire pushes you
into being alone
with an image of buddha in the buck
and the virgin in thousands over a toilet of red hearts
in the haze light of pines
memory and sanity shuffle
through the cold eyelids of the dead vine
one half of each folds into nothingness
thunderstorms rage
and a polite I cannot believe
the smile of reeds on a river's bank
in the midst of autumn
and the quiet tired
feel of depression
as if the fuse
will blow but can't
in the space of tension
the mind falters and
lapses into the desire
to escape into
the mountain haven
of covered horizons
with fog lines and
fir fields
the sound
that comes through
years of memories
tells of summer and spring nights
in cramped spaces
with bug infested porches
in a city near the coast
where the brown water
kept us alive
and sirens sang us to sleep
following the nothing of vision
into the valley fir
with low lights and the ice of the mountain road
as trucks blow puddles into dream storms
under the cathedral alley
I believe that even death is not enough
the steep clefts open
to beyond vistas of sea
the pacific destructive in the winter wind