Lost in Ranger

small cracker
box room
neon flooding through
thin curtains
outside the night
lies like
black blood
over the din of
highway noise 
the rushing
mass of heathens
headed down
to eternity

nothing here but
a pretty head full
of empty thoughts
an unwise decision
to let the
big dog roll
minus one
the sea bag
gone on somewhere
down the line
bouncing on
bad macadam
toward the
big muddy crossing
Memphis hanging
on the bluff
like an
old warrior
shining with
magic fire

wonder what I'm
doing here
in my pocket
separation pay
a side trip
to Juarez behind me
coming to
in Van Horn
loaded aboard the
bus like
a side of beef
after falling
over an ashtray
in the El Paso
bus station 
out cold

Hung up by
a pretty face in
a roadside diner
an invitation
a girl too sweet
to pass up
a fifth of
I. W. Harper
& good intentions

remembering the break
of waves
on warm beaches
the florescent swish
of a bow
cutting water
a steel-clad
finding new worlds
to fuck over

ahead the green
land of home
thicker than
the focal length
of eyes
nights like fever
in bond

lost in Ranger in
that moment
never to be
found again
my picture on
a milk carton
not yet

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